This walking safaris involve driving by 4×4 land cruisers/ rover, hiking with a local Maasai worrier, walking accompanied by an Armed ranger and a donkey or two to carry your luggage, food stuffs plus camping gear. This is the perfect way to venture the real insights of the African wilderness of unimaginable ancient volcanoes and breathtaking landscapes.

A walking safari is the best way to get as close as possible to the wildlife you came to Africa to see. After seeing the beautiful animals, plants and trees up close and personal you’ll have a better understanding of how the ecosystem works.Bush walks available in some areas of the national parks and outside the park boundaries. There are many different walks available, ranging from easy to strenuous.

It is an unforgettable experience and is completely safe as you are accompanied by an experienced guide and park ranger. We remember our first time seeing game up close and on foot and nothing compares to it; a true bush experience.

Being in the bush, with all the sights, sounds and smells of Africa is something you can’t fully experience from inside a vehicle. When you walk through the land like this you are in the animals’ territory. Tarangire is famous for walking safaris but we can also organize this in ,Arusha National Park , Ngorongoro Conservation area and in Serengeti National Park.